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"How to help children recognize the humanity in others," BOLD, 29 October 2024

"To play or not to play with your kids? It shouldn't be this hard to decide", The Atlantic, 5 September 2024

"Self-centered, spoilt and lonely? Examining the only child stereotype," New Scientist, 7 August 2024

"Foetal alcohol syndrome: Why fathers need to watch what they drink too,", 1 August 2024

"There are safer ways to bedshare with a baby," Scientific American, 29 April 2024

"Women's fertility is more complicated than you might have heard,", 13 March 2024

"How starvation causes lasting damage to the body, especially in children," Scientific American, 7 March 2024

"Many children must live with the trauma of war. Here's how to help them,", 21 February 2024

"How to help children cope with war trauma," BOLD, 11 January 2024

"Why young children don't understand pranks," BBC Future, 30 August 2023

"Baby-led weaning: What are the risks and benefits?", BBC Future, 31 July 2023

"Having a baby can rock a marriage — and life post-children can be a challenge," BBC Worklife, 28 June 2023

"The stigma of the stay-at-home dad," BBC Worklife, 9 February 2023

"The benefits of helping children understand emotions," BOLD, 2 February 2023

"The pressure to have the 'perfect' birth," BBC Worklife, 22 January 2023

"What parents get wrong about childhood 'milestones'," BBC Future, 10 January 2023

"The rise of one-and-done parenting," BBC Worklife, 10 January 2023

"The mums who are ambivalent about motherhood," BBC Worklife, 16 November 2022

"The search for what causes SIDS," BBC Future, 25 October 2022

"The dangerous downsides of bounceback culture," BBC Worklife, 16 October 2022

"The truth about time out", BBC Future, 10 June 2022

"Male postnatal depression: Why men struggle in silence," BBC Worklife, 6 June 2022 (2023 award winner, award for science in a non-science context, Association of British Science Writers)

"What really happens when babies are left to cry it out?," BBC Future, 30 March 2022

"The science of healthy baby sleep," BBC Future, 9 February 2022


"Need a better night's sleep? Try changing how you think about it," 14 October 2024,

"Why we avoid effort even though it can improve our wellbeing," New Scientist, 1 October 2024

"Logical fallacies: Seven ways to spot a bad argument,", 10 July 2024

"How to spot misinformation in four simple steps,", 10 May 2024

"How the abnormal gets normalised — and what to do about it,", 17 March 2024 

"The surprising promise and profound perils of AIs that fake empathy," New Scientist , 6 March 2024 (cover story)

"One simple change that will improve your media diet in 2024," BBC Future, 7 February

2024 (first in my new BBC column How Not To Be Manipulated, which explores smart, thoughtful ways to cut through the noise, online and off)

"Why young children don't understand pranks," BBC Future, 30 August 2023

"Having a baby can rock a marriage — and life post-children can be a challenge," BBC Worklife, 28 June 2023

"The mums who are ambivalent about motherhood," BBC Worklife, 16 November 2022

"The problem with TikTok's controversial beauty filters," BBC Future, 1 March 2023

"Male postnatal depression: Why men struggle in silence," BBC Worklife, 6 June 2022

"What really happens when babies are left to cry it out?," BBC Future, 30 March 2022

"The dangerous downsides of perfectionism," BBC Future, 21 February 2018

"The compelling case for working a lot less,"  BBC Worklife, 5 December 2017

"Why you sometimes have to quit to win," BBC Worklife, 28 November 2017

"Why we should all give up on goals already," BBC Worklife, 20 November 2017

"Why you shouldn't try to be a morning person," BBC Worklife, 15 November 2017

"What everyone gets wrong about millennial 'snowflakes'," BBC Worklife, 3 October 2017

"Inside the trauma team where Prince William is a pilot," BBC Future, 20 September 2016 (international scoop; an exclusive enterprise package including video and text that involved spending two days on base with the Duke of Cambridge)


"The fiery row behind Europe's heat wave names," BBC Future, 18 July 2023

"The mystery ancient toys puzzling archaeologists," BBC Future, 17 August 2022

"The ancient guide for uncertain times," BBC Future, 9 March 2022

"Guatemala's Lost World," documentary film for BBC Reel and BBC World News, 18 November 2020 (award winner: silver, travel documentary, 2021 SATW Lowell Thomas Travel Journalism Competition)

"In Guatemala, the Maya world untouched for centuries," BBC Travel, 15 September 2020 (award winner: gold, special-purpose travel writing, 2021 SATW Lowell Thomas Travel Journalism Competition)

"China's remote and dangerous Great Wall," BBC Travel, 10 August 2020

"Baiae: The Roman settlement at the bottom of the sea," BBC Travel, 13 July 2020

"Do we really live longer than our ancestors?," BBC Future, 3 October 2018

"Is this the world's most macabre art gallery?," BBC Culture, 23 February 2017

"The London landmark with 20,000 skeletons," BBC Future, 5 October 2016 

"The mystery of England's ancient tunnels," BBC Travel, 2 June 2016

"Were these remote, wild islands the centre of everything?", BBC Travel, 15 December 2015


"Nowhere to hide: Data harvesters came for your privacy – and found it," New Scientist, 23 August 2023 (cover story)

"Could giant blankets and other extreme actions save the glaciers?," Scientific-American, 6 March 2023

"The Cornish farm that plans to last 1,000 years," BBC Travel, 25 July 2022

"The ambitious plan to stop the ground from sinking," BBC Future, 1 December 2017

"Miami's fight against rising seas," BBC Future, 5 April 2017 (award winner: Journalist of the year, 2019, European Meteorological Society)

"How climate change will transform the workforce," BBC Future, 10 July 2017

"Resilience bonds: A secret weapon against catastrophe," BBC Future, 16 May 2017


"Switzerland's most iconic food export?", BBC Travel, 6 September 2023

"Italy's practically perfect food," BBC Travel, 28 January 2019 (shortlisted in the 2019 Travel Media Awards)

"Is oshi palav the 'king of meals'?," BBC Travel, 2 January 2018 

"The bread that changed how the Irish eat breakfast," BBC Travel, 6 February 2018

"Kyrgyzstan's bread that feeds the dead," BBC Travel, 26 October 2017

"Taking a bite out of crime in Rome," The New York Times, 4 July 2013


"Ten ways to avoid scams when booking travel," BBC Travel, 14 December 2023

"Is it the end of the Mediterranean summer holiday?", BBC Travel, 16 October 2023

"Switzerland's most iconic food export?", BBC Travel, 6 September 2023

"The village once owned by England's first queen," BBC Travel, 22 June 2022

"In Guatemala, the Maya world untouched for centuries," BBC Travel, 15 September 2020 (award winner: gold, special-purpose travel writing, 2021 SATW Lowell Thomas Travel Journalism Competition)

"Guatemala's Lost World," documentary film for BBC Reel and BBC World News, 18 November 2020 (award winner: silver, travel documentary, 2021 SATW Lowell Thomas Travel Journalism Competition)

"China's remote and dangerous Great Wall," BBC Travel, 10 August 2020

"Baiae: The Roman settlement at the bottom of the sea," BBC Travel, 13 July 2020

"The ghost town surrounded by ocean," BBC Travel, 26 October 2016

"The tiny island of 20,000 graves," BBC Travel, 11 April 2016

"Naples: Less garbage, just as much to love," New York Magazine, 24 September 2014

"Here's the Sicily you haven't seen (but really should)", The Globe and Mail, 4 July 2014 

"The best time to visit this Sicilian coastal town is right about now," The Globe and Mail, 5 October 2013

"An idyllic Mediterranean island (without the tourist hordes)," The Globe and Mail, 15 June 2013


"Mikaela Shiffrin resets," Defector, 11 January 2023

"Mikaela Shiffrin isn't tired of winning, but she's maybe a little tired of eggs," Deadspin, 8 March 2019

"Lindsey Vonn is going for broke in her last Olympics," Deadspin, 16 February 2018

"Marcel Hirscher is finally an Olympic champion," Deadspin, 13 February 2018

"Welcome to the Inferno — the longest, oldest downhill race in the world," Powder, 25 January 2018

"Mikaela Shiffrin has never been better, and neither has anyone else," Deadspin, 16 January 2018

"Mikaela Shiffrin is the best in the world and she needs a nap," Deadspin, 20 March 2017

"The perfect end to World Ski Championships was an emotional slalom," Deadspin, 19 February 2017

"A special finish for Tina Maze," Powder Magazine, 8 January 2017 (exclusive interview with the athlete)

"The view from the Hahnenkamm: Carnage, revelers and politics at the World's biggest ski race," Powder Magazine, 25 January 2016

"Even for the World Cup's toughest downhill, today was ugly," Powder Magazine, 23 January 2016

"Schleper skis for Mexico," Outside Magazine, 12 February 2015

"Mikaela Shiffrin is striving for perfection," Deadspin, 2 December 2014

"Why Bode Miller mattered," Deadspin, 22 February 2014

"How 18-year-old Mikaela Shiffrin kept her nerve and won slalom gold," Deadspin, 21 February 2014

© 2024 by Amanda Ruggeri. All rights reserved

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